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Simplified Pricing

Pay per Usage + Cloud Storage

Billing is based on your selected performance option, calculated by the hours of usage. Additionally, there is a storage fee for cloud-hosted personal computer data.

Minimum commitment of 10 hours.

NVIDIA CUDA & OptiX Activated Tesla T4 GPUs

4 cores | 16 GB RAM | 16 GB GPU
8 cores | 32 GB RAM | 16 GB GPU
48 cores | 192 GB RAM | 64 GB GPU

RTX enabled A10G Tensor Core GPUs

8 cores | 32GB RAM | 24 GB GPU
16 cores | 64GB RAM | 24 GB GPU
48 cores | 192GB RAM | 96 GB GPU

NVIDIA Tesla V100

8 cores | 64 GB RAM | 16 GB GPU
32 cores | 244 GB RAM | 64 GB GPU
64 cores | 488 GB RAM | 128 GB GPU

Storage Cost PC Disk + Cloud

PC 75 GB | Cloud 10 GB
PC 150 GB | Cloud 25 GB
PC 250 GB | Cloud 50 GB


+ Cloud & Disk Storage

NVIDIA Tesla T4 Pricing

/hr x 10Hrs + /month


+ Cloud & Disk Storage

NVIDIA A10G Pricing

/hr x 10Hrs + /month

NVIDIA Tesla V100

+ Cloud & Disk Storage

NVIDIA Tesla V100 Pricing

/hr x 10Hrs + /month

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